Environmental Protection

Environmental Protection

Shanghai Easystar Machinery Co.,ltd.

Environmental Policy

“Protect the environment, strictly abide by laws and regulations; save energy and reduce consumption, and prevent pollution” is the company’s environmental policy. Firmly establish a scientific outlook on development and take the path of sustainable development. To manage environmental protection with the same requirements as managing product quality, the company has invested a lot of manpower and material resources in environmental protection, and environmental protection indicators are lower than national standards.

Management System

Strictly abide by the continuously updated international, national, local and industry environmental laws and regulations and other requirements; through the implementation of environmental policies such as “ISO14001 environmental management system”, the effectiveness of management and the continuous improvement of environmental performance are achieved, and our social responsibility and Commitment to the environment.

Energy Consumption

Renewable Energy

Peculiar Smell

Hazardous Chemicals




Use Renewable Energy
